Sunday 18 March 2012

St. Patrick's Day Antics!

18th March 2012

Casper, Diamond and Aysha were up to some St. Patrick's day antics on Saturday! They enjoyed receiving their meals within a pint of Guinness, a leprechaun hat and a four leaf clover respectively. Diamond and Aysha originally came from Dublin Zoo, so it was fitting for them to be celebrating the holiday!

Diamond really got into the festivities, taking the action to get the leprechaun hat stuck around his neck and stroll around wearing it proudly for quite some time!



Tuesday 13 March 2012

Big Cat Roll Call - 2012 Season

The sun has been shining in vast quantities here on the Isle of Wight and so what a better time to catch a glimpse of the big cats enjoying themselves in the Sun. Here are some photos from the past two weeks representing all the cats that reside at the Isle of Wight Zoo.

We do often celebrate their birthdays so if you have a favourite cat you would like to come visit to celebrate with, the birthdays are as follows:

Zena - May 22nd (16 this year)

Diamond and Aysha - August 2nd (14 this year)

Casper - August 25th (6 this year)

Charlie Brown and Snoopy - September 14th (14 this year)

Nahla - September 28th (14 this year)

Lola - October 27th (15 this year)

Zia - December 12th (17 this year)

We dont have exact birthdates for Raijiv, Chandru, Chiquita or Tequila but they will still at different times during the year thats for sure!

Raijiv -

Chiquita -

Nahla -

Zia -

Zena -

Charlie Brown and Snoopy -

Aysha -

Tequila - 

Chandru -

Lola -

Casper -

Diamond -